About the Company
The company was founded in 1999 by a group of experts who had already been working together for several years, thus ensuring the continuation of their
cooperation. This team of specialists created a progressive company, and is ready to flexibly render its expert services in both English and German.
At present the company operates throughout the Czech Republic, and its clients include, among others, significant entities of the Czech economics and
building industry.
A complex of comprehensive activities related to real estate, enterprises and other property in the form of expert opinions, viewpoints and expert assessments constitutes the main subject of activities of the expert institution ZNALCI A ODHADCI - znalecký ústav, spol. s r.o.
The activity is performed on the basis of act no. 36/1967/Sb., on experts and interpreters and decree no. 37/1967 Sb., further on the basis of licensed trade in the field of valuation of property for movable and immovable assets, intangible property, financial assets and corporations (act no. 455/1991 Sb.) and other trade certificates.
The expert institute APPRAISERS AND ASSESSORS – Expert Institute, Ltd. is a holder of the Quality Management Systems Certification in accordance with ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009, issued under the authority of TÜV SÜD Czech. We fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the National Security Authority in Prague for access to classified information rated as Restricted.
The staff of the company is engaged in tutorial activity – they give lectures on valuation of real burdens, expert activities, and valuation of companies in the framework of undergraduate expert teaching at the Institute of Forensic Engineering of the Brno University of Technology, and under the terms of the training programs for managers organized by the Institute for International Research (I.I.R.) GmbH. We publish in journals, and we are co-authors of the book “Easements from A to Z”, Linde Praha, 2001, 2002, 2006 and 2009. This book was awarded the Gold seal competition prize at the 13th International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2002 in Prague in the category Specialized Publications in the Field of Construction and Building Work.